A Server's Journey

A Server's Moment: Karen Millsap

Rocky DeStefano

Karen MIllsap reminds us that exercising empathy at work not only leads to a more successful business, but sustains a culture of kindness that real businesses crave. 

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Speaker 1:

This is, this is your servers moment. Every moment is a part of a survivor's journey and we hope this moment will be motivational for you, for your journey of serving your customers, your coworkers, or your family. I'm rocky deaths. The final, and here is today's servers moment. Make no mistake about it. You're getting ready to

Speaker 2:

you go into battle. So here's something that you can do today to be a better leader. On a recent podcast, have a server's journey. Rocky's guest, who's Karen Millsap, founder and CEO of emergency. Karen was talking about the empathy in the workplace.

Speaker 3:

We as a society have been programmed to turn off our personal. When we get to work, that's unrealistic because we're not humans. We're not robots. Excuse me. We're human, right? So there is no sweat for you to turn off personal. If I, as I was going through everything I was with my husband and the changes that were happening and, and all of that, I would get to work. And guess what? I wasn't just thinking about work. Yeah, there's no way you could write and that's with anything that's with anything. So what I learned was that there was an opportunity to teach the basic skills and interactions on how to strengthen empathy and compassion at work.

Speaker 2:

And that's it. That's it for this moment. I just want to remind you that on Wednesday we do a deep dive here at a server's journey and you can subscribe and join us each and every week. I'm rocky desteffano. Thanks for joining with us. As together we learned to be better leaders.