A Server's Journey

A Server's Moment: Who Gets the Credit?

July 24, 2018 Rocky DeStefano
A Server's Journey
A Server's Moment: Who Gets the Credit?
Show Notes Transcript

Larry the producer shares a motivational quote from President Reagan's desk. 

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Speaker 1:

This is the, this is your servers moment. Every moment is a part of a survivor's journey and we hope this moment will be motivational for you for your journey of serving your customers, your coworkers, or your family. This is Larry the producer for a survivor's journey, and here's Today's servers moment.

Speaker 2:

One of the last podcast, rocky destefano asked me why was my favorite quote, and I was embarrassed because I said I didn't have one. Well, that got me to thinking I needed a quote to help motivate and guide me. So I'm reading a book about President Reagan who I greatly respected because not only are we both from the same state of Illinois, but my high school football coach went to Eureka college with President Reagan. So I feel like I have a far distant relationship with the president. Well, this quote was on President Reagan's desk and I thought it exemplified the way I try to treat everyone. The quote is, there's no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn't care who gets the credits. I've had several different jobs and occupations while growing into my mature years now. I've always felt that I didn't really care who was making all the money. The enjoyable part of the job was being able to be on a team to help the team grow. So who are you giving credit to today? Have you set your team up to win or is it just for you? Remember, there's no limit to what a man can do or go if you just don't care who gets the credit.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's it for this server's moment, but I want to remind you that on Wednesdays, rocky does a deep dive into a survivor's journey so you can subscribe and see with this each week, and it's rocky says, thanks for joining with us and as together we can learn to be better leaders.